The Best Types of Foam for Industrial Applications

Foam is an extraordinarily versatile material with hundreds of classifications, each with their own set of properties, making the material very useful across a large number of industrial applications. Choosing the right foam for these applications can be the difference between a successful implementation and a resounding failure. The “right” foam choice depends on what your business is trying to accomplish with your foam, and where it will be used. Will the foam be used for its sound dampening properties? Is insulation important? Does it need to filter liquids or gasses? Does it need to prevent liquids or gasses from passing through it? What you are trying to accomplish with your products and their applications will lead to very different foam choices. 

These are some of the most common industrial applications and the foams that are generally used for them. 


Many types of foam are reliable filters because of they are open cell (contain many air pockets between cells), which allows gas and liquids to pass through them will relative ease. They do, however stop solid particles without impeding the flow of the liquid of gas. Filter foams should meet high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) performance standards, which ensure that they can perform under the required conditions without failure. In general, the best types of filter foams will be reticulated, meaning they have had their cell membranes and impurities removed. This increases the strength of the foam. 

Foams like urethane and polyester, among other types of reticulated foam, are most commonly used in filtration. 


Foams used in gaskets are generally closed cell, making them far denser and unlikely to allow liquids and gasses to pass through them. This is especially true for neoprene gaskets. However, there are many open cell foams that are used to create gaskets, generally for medical applications. The foams used in these gaskets should meet MVSS302 and UL94 standards, among others. Open cell foams that are used for gaskets can be compressed to block gasses from escaping, but they are not suitable for stopping water. 

Foams like neoprene, EPDM, crosslinked polyethylene, and many low compression urethanes are most commonly used for gaskets. 

Sound Control

Sound abatement is vital for many industrial environments because of OSHA requirements that dictate appropriate noise levels for safe working conditions. When choosing a foam for industrial sound abatementit’s essential to differentiate between sound absorption and sound blocking. Open cell foams are ideal for absorbing sound waves that can echo and bounce around rooms, but they are generally not ideal for blocking out sounds because of how easily sound waves pass through the air pockets in the foam’s cell structure. For sound blocking, denser closed cell foams perform much better, but they are not generally ideal acoustic control that requires sound absorption. 

Different foams will work better depending on the type of sound waves you are trying to control for (high or low range frequencies). 


Need foam for an industrial application? We can help you choose the right one for the job. Get in touch with the foam fabrication experts at Amcon today.